Posts Tagged ‘changes’


I’d like to believe we are free and open minded enough to receive a different perspective or eye-view we previously didn’t understand or comprehend, but more often than not, because most of the human populace are sheep, it’s simply not the case.

We rely on popular culture to tell us what we want, who we are, what we should look like, how we should act, and even what we should do, and we don’t question it, because asking the relevant questions is just too hard and will put us at a disadvantage in being the odd man out.  We all want to fit in and be a part of the norm, right?

Before I define what the norm is and why we need to shift from it, -with a quickness, I figure I need to define: what it is we want, who we are, what we should look like, how we should act, and even what we should do according to pop cult, as mentioned above.

I use pop cult here opposed to popular culture because it can be poetically defined and takes on the full definition, in my opinion, of what popular culture is, pop -meaning quickly populated, to the likes of a popcorn kernel instantly popping into the delicious, buttery confection we all love, in this context, and cult implying all the negative meanings that come to mind primarily exemplifying a group of brainwashed, vulnerable people who are taken gross advantage of. Yes, society is an instant zombie sect (pop cult), and we need brains because we have lost all rationale.

What it is we want…

Can be defined according to pop cult as the American Dream, I’d surmise, the fancy two story house with picket fence, 2.5 kids and what is life without Fido?  Prosperity via hard work, and how hard do we have to work to pay for that mortgage and luxury sports cars?  That’s one reason I have to give it to the millennials, who have denounced the idea of accumulation and adopted the minimalist lifestyle, to acquire experiences opposed to material possessions.  (Check out my poem for further explanation: “For the Better” )

After all we can’t take all our accumulation with us when we leave, and even if you pass it all down in your will, what’s the guarantee that your next of kin will have any use for it or can afford the affiliated costs that come with it, be it storage, space, HOA fees, insurance, etc.?  It’s like passing on your debt, unless the inheritance can be sold.

Humorist Robert Quillen said it best in defining the concept of “Americanism: Using money you haven’t earned to buy things you don’t need to impress people you don’t like.”

Who we are…

Pop cult tells us we are sheep, susceptible to the 3 to 5 minutes of brainwashing ad campaigns every 15 minutes, they shoot our way across all mediums, be it television, phone, internet, road signs, flyers in the streets, signs and wall hangings at every business and corporation, -the marketing never ends, -we even dream it.

What we should look like…

Pop cult tells us we need to look like Barbie and Ken, just more ripped now a days (and that applies to both genders). You can’t look like Homer Simpson in this era, you have to have a 6 to 12 pack with bulging muscles.  Ladies have to be stacked in the back and the front to the likes of Kim Kardashian and Dolly Parton with a waist disproportionate to such a physique, -I’m talking tiny, and hour glass of course.

How we should act…

I could probably write a multitude here, but why waste my breath if it falls upon deaf ears, as I am sure more sheep will read this than those who are wokish, if I can use that terminology here.  I’ll just say pop cult sets parameters for how each culture should act, because we could never be a collective group…

What we should do…

Aside from work, eat, sleep, repeat, again the caste system is interpreted for us via the brainwashing circuit… oops, -I keep forgetting we’re all zombies, in need of brains to survive…  Therefore, pop cult tells us we should do what sheep do and all that baa, baa, baa (opposed to expletives) …

To define what the norm is and why we need to shift from it, -with a quickness, it should be clear as crystal, apparent, in an era of the repeated civil rights and social reform movements of: “Me Too”, “Black Lives Matter”, “Blue Lives Matter”, “All Lives Matter” and “National School Walkout” for gun regulation.  But with all these movements, the only thing that we see that matters, is the money and the power.  Has anything changed yet? I mean was putting Bill Cosby in prison, an 81-year-old elderly man, who is blind with deteriorating health, a real win, or is it better late than never, since the accusations started back in the 60’s?

In all honesty, I can’t make any justifications or exceptions for Mr. Cosby, despite him being a positive role model for the African American community with the Cosby Show and Fat Albert and his endorsement of pudding and comedic routines, but at this point I see it as no different than a mask or guise to the likes of Catholic Priests who pray with, and for you on one hand, and prey on children on the other, with the multiple cases of child molestation across the world.  (This is a sickness; beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing ladies and gentlemen.)

All these movements speak to the same premise, we all want justice, but beyond that, to live in a society free of violence, -be it gun violence, sexual abuse and rape or being beaten beyond capacity or shot 16 times, or to live one’s life in fear.

Not to stray too far off topic, and to address the original question: what are we without our beliefs? I have to say we are free thinkers.  Everything we are indoctrinated to believe, whether it comes from the psychological manipulation of media marketing, or the beliefs your parents instilled in you early on, are mechanisms of control if you can’t get out of your head and see right from wrong.  There is no gray area when it comes to right and wrong.  Karma or God, the universe, however you want to define it, is a supreme ruler when it comes to making right, what is wrong, but eventually we need to get out of the pop cult, take off the zombie costumes and become the sheep dog, -the protector of the flock, opposed to being the sheep, because who else will?  We can’t be that brainless, -that caught up in our beliefs -whether we rationalize or justify what we believe on a religious basis or superiority complex, that these movements can’t move, -can’t change society where it needs to be changed.  Are you woke or are you a “Z” in the Pop Cult?  It’s up to you to decide.

On that note, I’ll leave you with a pertinent quote that comes to mind from En Vogue, “Free your mind and the rest will follow.” You can see the video here:


***Woke as defined by the Urban Dictionary, definition # 2, states: “Getting woke is like being in the Matrix and taking the red pill. You get a sudden understanding of what’s really going on and find out you were wrong about much of what you understood to be truth.”

Urban Dictionary. Math Police. (2017). Woke. Retrieved October 8, 2018 from






Bored in life?  No purpose?  It’s funny what can alter one’s lifestyle, or change one’s life, and turn one’s world completely upside down.  It makes living more phenomenal.  Life is short, make the most of it.  Looking for change? Maybe it’s time to change your life’s course, and give more meaning to your feeble existence.  Here is a list of various ways your life can be altered:

1.       Pregnancy

This is an obvious one, not just for mothers.  Getting fat, morning sickness, waking up around the clock and suffering from sleep insomnia, going goo-goo, ga-ga over new baby, not to mention the newly acquired shopping expenses for diapers, clothes, furniture, toys, baby-proofing, etc. you will need…. Definitely life-altering…

2.       New job or Career Change

In this era of economic crisis with increased lay-offs and no jobs, this is definitely exciting, and in some cases much needed.  You’ll learn to switch gears, acquire more skills, utilize past skills, meet new people (work associates) and the like, and hopefully increase income.

3.       Attending a University or Acquiring more education

You are sure to learn and acquire more skills and knowledge, forge new relationships and networks…  Improve your social life –via parties, fraternity or sorority gatherings, and the like.  A wonderful experience to have in which you will assuredly have new life experiences.

4.       Marriage or a new relationship

Love is always life altering, marriage especially if you can make it through the first 2 years and thereafter.

5.       Divorce or a break up

Need I say more… Getting used to not waking up to the one you used to love can be a remarkable or horribly depressing experience in and of itself.

6.       Attending or joining a church

You will definitely have a new network of friends or associates, and hopefully acquire spiritual fulfillment or happiness and deeper insight and understanding.

7.       Joining a fitness club

Getting physical not only alters the body, but can alter your lifestyle, especially if you adopt a healthy eating strategy and keep it up. You will build more self confidence, be more active and might possibly need a new wardrobe, and become a new person.  Don’t let weight hold you down, alter your life.

8.       Adopting a new style

Get a new hairstyle and adopt a new style of dress and see how it can alter your life, by altering your self esteem, and increasing your happiness, which in turn will affect how others see you and treat you or react towards you.

9.       Consulting a Feng Shui expert for your home or interior decorator

Improving your environment, whether becoming more organized or adding beauty and aesthetic s to your surroundings, can improve what’s inside of you, thus attract wealth, passion, success and the like, -ultimately altering your life.

10.   Learning a new skill (example: playing an instrument, learning a new language, etc.)

Knowledge is power.  Acquiring a new skill can be enriching and improve your confidence and increase your talents, or income, and change your life.

11.   Starting  a new hobby

Why not start a new collection or hone in on a new skill or activity you enjoy doing to enhance your life?

12.   Travel

Travelling always brings about renewed energy, insight and freedom of spirit.  It can be life altering in the sense one broadens their horizons, so to speak, and integrates discovery and adventure into their life.

13.   Volunteering

Can be good for the soul, undoubtedly; enriching one’s life by giving one’s time, help, and attention to those who need it.  Giving back always results in blessings, esteem and abundant happiness.

14.   Talking to a therapist or psychologist, seeking counseling

Whether you have a problem, unresolved childhood issues, or not, talking to someone can always help put you back on track; seeking solvency or resolutions to have a more fulfilling life, and move forward is always helpful and can be life altering.  Letting go of the pain or anger to increase harmony in one’s life is absolutely necessary for a peaceful life.

15.   Networking, Meeting New People, Making new friends

Whether you join a social community, such as Toastmasters or a Zumba class, etc., increasing your network of friends can always change your life, as you have new experiences and create memories with friends.

16.   Moving, Changing locations

No place is ever the same, whether you move to a new home, acquire new neighbors and scenery, or move across states, countries or continents.  There’s always a different aura, energy or feel everywhere you go, that can alter your life.

17.   Starting a business or non-profit organization or ministry

Get ready for the ride of your life; -it can be a rollercoaster, but very rewarding in terms of income or personal enrichment. It’s a definite life altering experience.

18.   Recycling  or Gardening

Loving the earth, so to speak, is always life changing in that it can be enriching to your soul, increase your health and well-being and improve the environment.

19.   Reading

Again, knowledge is power.  The more knowledge acquired, the more your life can be altered, whether you increase your success, income, or overall output, existence and well-being.  There is no limit to what you can learn.

20.   Confronting your fear

This is definitely life changing in the sense, when we confront our fears, we gain a sense of empowerment and control within our lives for ourselves.  If you are afraid of spiders for example, hold a tarantula within a controlled environment with an expert to monitor you.  Take baby steps in conquering your fears if necessary.

21.   Death

Though perhaps for the worse, as you will inevitably miss your deceased loved on, it alters one’s life in ways most don’t want to comprehend.


Overall, change is inevitable.  Your life will and can be altered, whether you personally implement change or the universe takes the helm.  Your life will never be the same, but that can be a good thing, in order for us to evolve and grow on all levels…